Samsung Galaxy S2 GPS can help users real world navigation. But many people have Samsung Galaxy S2 GPS issues. How to fix GPS on Samsung Galaxy S2 problems? Here 6 steps help you fix Samsung Galaxy S2 GPS issues.
Steps to Fix Samsung Galaxy S2 GPS Issues
Step 1: Go to "Settings" and choose "Location & Security", uncheck “Use Wireless Networks”.
Step 2: Open the dialer and enter the following "*#*#1472365#*#*".
Step 3: In the LbsTestMode menue, go to "SUPL/CP Settings" and change the "SUPL Secure Socket" to OFF.
Step 4: In the LBSTestMode menu, find SUPL/CP Settings and change the SERVER & PORT to and port 7276.
Step 5: In the LBSTestMode menu, find "Application Settings" and change the Operation Mode to MS Based.
Step 6: Turn off the phone and reboot the phone. Go to settings > Location & Security, then check the box next to “Use Wireless Networks”.