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How To Choose A Game Console

You want to play video games but you don't know wich console you should get. It's simple. There are several game consoles of three major brands available on the market, and that's where it can get tricky. and the mean question is which one to get.let's find out here: 

you should know that if you buy the last generation of a console game,its hardware system will last between 4 years to 5 years,wich means that a game that comes out four years from now will look better on your system,and that because the system's developers have figured out how to wring the best performance out of what's available the last generation of consoles(Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Wii U)

How To Choose A Game ConsoleWe won't see new game consoles for several years, and It's been a year since the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 launched, and since then each system has developed an appreciable library games that means the biggest question when buying one is no longer whether to wait for new consoles, but whether the latest ones are worth the extra cost now.Just be aware that if you have games from the previous consoles, you can't play them on the current ones.

Decide on demographics you will find that Nintendo "Wii" has traditionally targeted kids and families, Microsoft's Xbox is a "guy" console, and Sony's PlayStation caters to a variety of crowds. Now if you want a family console and you are energetic wii is your best choice, because Nintendo the most physically active experience of the three consoles. and the price of the console is between 295$ and 400$ both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One can play Blu-ray movies, but with Xbox One You can control your cable or satellite box through it, either through your gamepad or with voice commands.

And the system's HDMI pass-through and on-screen channel guide combine live television, online services, and gaming into one connected experience, so you don't have to switch between device inputs to enjoy your favorite movies, shows, and games. The PS4 has plenty of online services, but it has no television integration or HDMI passthrough, so you can't watch television while you're doing something else on the system.Both new systems are good for future-proofing your games library over the next several years, there are enough promising cross-platform and exclusive games coming to make either system look compelling. And the price of both consoles is between 350$ and 400$.

I hope this post will make you choose wich console you want to buy, now if you made up your mind well don't wait longer and go get your console HERE where you can fin the best prices  you can visit my website: bestvideogamz and ask any question you want in the forum .

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